
  • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2014

  • MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009

  • BA, University of Kansas, 2005


Appointments (selected)

  • Director, Creating Connections Consortium (C3), Middlebury College

  • Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies, Dartmouth College

  • Assistant Editor of Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, University of Pittsburgh Press


Fellowships & Awards (selected)

  • Honorable Mention, Vanderwood Prize, Conference on Latin American History

  • Honorable Mention, Criscenti Best Article Prize, New England Council of Latin American Studies

  • Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dartmouth College

  • Award for Outstanding Teaching, History Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Cuban Heritage Collection Graduate Fellowship, University of Miami

  • Lydia Cabrera Award, Conference on Latin American History


Invited Talks (selected)

  • California State University, Los Angeles (2023)

  • Washington University in St. Louis (2022)

  • Rialta Alianza Iberoamericana para la Literature, las Artes y el Pensamiento (recording) (2021)

  • Cambridge University Press (recording) (2020)

  • University of Colorado at Boulder (2018)

  • University of Florida (2017)

  • Dartmouth College (2015)

  • Yale University (2014)

  • University of Miami (2014, 2011)

 Podcast Interviews

  • New Books Network, interviewed by Rozzmery Palenzuela Vicente (recording) (2021)

Conference Presentations (selected) 

  • Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies (2017)

  • Latin American Studies Association (2016, 2014, 2013)

  • American Historical Association (2016, 2015, 2010)

  • Social Science History Association (2015)

  • Berkshire Conference on the History of Women (2014, 2011)


Courses Taught (selected)

  • Health & Disease in Latin America

  • History of Sexuality in Latin America

  • The Cuban Revolution: Origins & Legacies

  • The History of the World since 1945

  • History of Latin America since Independence

  • Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies


Book & Articles (selected, all single-authored & peer-reviewed)



  • Spanish

  • English