You’re here because you want to convert your idea into a manuscript. Or you need to transform your rough draft into a polished one. I can’t wait to support you!

As your publication coach, I can help you create a plan for publication, give you editorial feedback, hold you accountable, cheer you on, and demystify the entire process. We’ll work one-on-one to identify your needs and goals and formulate an approach that works for your body-mind.

While I sometimes serve as a client’s editor and publication coach, a publication coach differs from a editor in that I engage with more than just words on the page. I focus on you, the writer behind the words, including your emotions and your executive functions. And I refuse a one-size-fits-all approach.

You may choose to meet with me for as many or as few sessions as you’d like, depending on your publication goals.

I offer a free, 30-minute consult to assess if we’re a good fit for each other.