"Rachel has coached me through academia’s gauntlet and continues to help me parse through institutional expectations, the norms of my field, and the self-created and systemic obstacles that can stand in the way of excellence. She is a compassionate mentor; one who reminds me to unflinchingly commit to work that aligns with my values and vision. I credit her for modeling a unique kind of grounded, embodied guidance—the same kind of guidance I now regularly apply to my own mentoring strategies. To put it all succinctly: she’s your person.” — Kathleen G., Ph.D., Assistant Professor

“Rachel makes things happen! Her careful and informed work as my coach and editor helped push me across the finish line after 15 years on the road toward my PhD.

I have a chronic mobility disorder and I am a neurodivergent person; and I have struggled to access accommodations at the graduate level. Rachel was attuned to my physical and neuro needs and made the complex work of dissertation research come together through empathetic coaching and careful, thoughtful editing.

Rachel is not only one of the smartest people I know but also has a beautiful, deep soul and is a person who is committed to equity and liberation. She is also a truly compassionate person. Rachel is flexible and understanding and also calculated and organized. She is everything you need! I'm truly indebted to her for all I learned as a person and as a writer from working with her.” — Sonia S., Ph.D., Independent Scholar

“Pursuing an academic career takes a community of people behind you, and such a community would not be complete without a person like Rachel. They are there for you during your academic pursuits, such as filing the dissertation and applying to jobs, but they also understand the personal parts of ourselves that also need nourishment as we take on these tasks and pursue this career trajectory. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and timely. Truly anyone in graduate school or pursuing an academic career would do well to invest in Rachel.” — Melanie P., Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow

“Rachel has been my number one support in graduate school— even though I met her just this year and am at the tail end of my doctoral program. She is gentle and rigorous, guiding me through personal and academic projects with remarkable faith and follow-through when I can’t muster it alone. I am so grateful for the work we do together and what I am able to accomplish with Rachel’s awe-inspiring energy, expertise, and generosity on my side.” — L.R., Ph.D. candidate

“Rachel is absolutely the best, and I highly recommend her coaching services to anyone who feels othered or undersupported in academic spaces. She has continuously, generously, and compassionately supported me through myriad academic and professional transitions. Her accessible, empathetic, and professional approach makes me feel deeply heard and gives me hope that together we have resources to navigate professional challenges.

As a queer, nonbinary, disabled researcher and educator, there are many academic spaces where I feel either invisible or exhausted from unpaid emotional and access labor. The space Rachel has created is one where it is safe to share about my struggles and dreams. Pragmatically, as well as emotionally, she has supported me through the process of creating excellent academic and alt-ac job materials and cheered me through developing my own freelance business. I’m immensely grateful to have had such an excellent guide and partner through the rocky terrain of leaving academia.” — Julia H., Ph.D., Freelance Accessibility Consultant

“Rachel has been an incredible resource and source of support as I have navigated academia, both as a job candidate and junior scholar. During my first two years on the academic job market, I had three total interviews. My third year on the job market, with Rachel’s help, I had SIX interviews, including two that moved to the campus stage, and finally a tenure-track job offer. That unbelievable improvement is directly attributable to the careful work Rachel put into my job materials and the advice and guidance she gave me.

She combines deep knowledge of academia with a keen editorial eye and strong interpersonal and communication skills that have helped me to feel both encouraged and challenged to do my best work. Her clear, specific, and manageable suggestions significantly improved my job materials. It can be easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day expectations at work to the detriment of larger career goals, but Rachel has thoughtfully, empathetically, and gently continued to bring to my attention new opportunities to continually pursue my professional development. Working with Rachel has enriched my work and helped me to see myself and present myself more confidently.” — Alexis B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor

“Rachel’s professionalism and keen understanding of the academic job market process made it possible for me to secure interviews at three of the nation’s top institutions, ultimately leading me to the academic job I always dreamed about having. Their guidance and support were, without a doubt, a key factor in my success in the academic job search.” — Carlos M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor

“Rachel has been an incredible mentor for me over the course of the past year. She helped me prepare for the academic job market by editing my job materials and coaching me through the process of developing my CV and preparing to interview. Thanks in very large part to her support, I was able to land a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship, all while completing my dissertation and being a loving parent and partner.

Rachel is warm, supportive, and you can tell that she truly cares. She helped me find balance between working to get what I want and also maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I cannot recommend her enough.”
M. Gonzales, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

“Rachel is compassionate, wise, insightful, and committed to supporting their clients. I absolutely could not have completed my doctorate without their keen editorial skills and kind presence. I strongly recommend Rachel to anyone attempting to complete their dissertation or manuscript.” — Ina K., Ph.D., Assistant Professor

“As a skilled writer and scholar, Rachel can offer multiple kinds of feedback, including suggestions for argumentation, use of evidence, organization, and prose. I used Rachel’s services as I revised several of my dissertation chapters for a book manuscript. She delivered feedback in a timely manner, and her communication was very clear. Rachel also encouraged me at a difficult stage of the revision process by affirming the strengths of my work, feedback that is often far too scarce in the world of academia.” — Kelly U., Ph.D., Assistant Professor